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  • Lauren Best

Embracing Our Boundaries as a Form of Self Care

How often do you find yourself feeling stuck between being the good friend, child, partner, mentor and actually giving yourself the permission to pick yourself and your own needs instead?

As kids, many of us were taught to share, to cheer on others, to be that supportive shoulder to cry on, to be considerate of other people’s feelings, and many times at the expense of what we need or want for our own happiness and hearts.

I can feel that frog in my throat just thinking about the times where I truly didn’t have the capacity to support people around me in these ways but I did it anyways.

I can feel that tightness in my chest just thinking about the times where I truly didn’t have the capacity to support people around me in these ways but I did it anyways.

I can feel the exhaustion in my breath just thinking about the times where I truly didn’t have the capacity to support people around me in these ways but I did it anyways.

Learning to create and communicate boundaries as an adult is supeeerrrrrrrr tough. It truly isn’t easy. But it’s something that I learned that we get to reinvent for our own needs as adults, but we just have to learn to listen to what it is we truly need and also learn how to communicate these boundaries in a confident way.

It’s not that the feeling of guilt for saying no… or feeling nervous to ask someone to respect your needs as you’re on the receiving end of their bad day is ever going to go away for good… we’re only human. But what is possible is the ability to give yourself more permission to unapologetically choose yourself… to invite people to understand your boundaries and what you’re available for in any changing moment… to offer love to the world and your loved ones by giving it back to yourself first.

Have you ever stopped to think about how magical… how energized… how truly supported and cared for you could feel?

If you’re ready to pick yourself first and discover what it means to communicate your needs with confidence… I invite you to join myself and a beautiful group of women for a 16-week group coaching experience where we will uncover the Permission Slips for you to overcome guilt and move into prioritising yourself!

💌 Find out more and save your spot here:

🤔 Interested to see if group coaching is the right fit for you?! *Jump on a call with me:

We start September 30th!

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